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We connect buyers and sellers together through the site. The buyer works directly with the seller to complete the sale of an item. This eliminates the middleman, saving the buyer and seller money. Also, we scour the vintage thrift shops looking for the rare finds to post on the site. The model we use for Savior of Style is "buy low sell low". This allows other people in the industry the opportunity to find great vintage items on the site and resell for a profit.
If you are a buyer
If you are looking for great finds, this is one of the best places to shop. If you see an item you like, you contact the seller directly to find out more about the item. Savior of Style doesn't handle the sales transaction or shipping arrangements. This is strictly between the seller of the item and you.
Every item listed on Savior of Style goes through an approval process before it is listed.
If you are a seller
You will need to register for an account on Savior of Style. Once your account is approved, you will receive an email notification.
Once your account is created, you will be able to login to the site and start listing your items. You will be required to purchase points in order to list an item. Each point is valued at one dollar. You can purchase a points package in order to receive a discount for listing multiple items. It takes 5 points to list an item.
1. Register for an account. Click Here to Register.
2. Purchase Points. Note: You will need to login first. Click Here to Purchase Points
3. List your item.
4. The item will go live once Savior of Style approves it.
Important Information
Savior of Style only connects sellers and buyers. The rest is up to the seller and buyer to complete the transaction and make the delivery.
Sellers and Buyers arrange payment details and delivery of the item. Savior of Style doesn't get involved in shipping details, payment of items, or disputes between buyers and sellers. It is your responsibility to understand that you are dealing with individuals or companies not associated in any way with Savior of Style.
For additional information see the following: